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White dried cheese |
White dried cheese

White dried cheese




In order to make a dried cheese, firstly it is needed to boil sweet milk and add sour milk. Cheese becomes dry, sticky. Cheeses were dried on the sill or outside in front of the sun on the shelf, or hanged in a basket. When the cheese dried, it was washed, peeled and hanged again. This way, it made the cheese dry very hard. It was kept in a dry place, on a shelf near the furnace. Dried cheese was liked by children. People ate it in winter when there was no milk. When people wanted to eat it, they warmed up the cheese in the oven so that it could be cut off.

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You will need

8 l - fermented milk
1 l - milk
- cumin
- Salt

Dish cooking

8 liters of fermented milk is heated to 40°C. Then add milk heated to 45°C. After the mixing, the curd forms.

Take the curd out with the colander and leave it to dip a little. Then put a teaspoon of salt and some caraway seeds. Put the mass into a cheese-bag and press it.

Wait 2 hours, then hang the cheese and let it dry.

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This dish is made according to a certified National Heritage Product recipe showing its cooking process