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Beer |





Beer is a weak natural alcoholic beverage. Precise sources of beer consumption in Lithuania are found since the 11th century. Our brewers added berries, fruits, fragrant herbs in order to improve the taste; and to increase its darkness, added rubbed charcoal or burnt sugar. The beer in the whole Lithuania became especially popular in the 16th century. The most popular was the traditional rye beer, which most peasants produced for their own needs. The process of making the malting beer has slightly changed through centuries, and divides it into two main stages - the preparation of malt and the production of beer.

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You will need

15 - malt
150 - hops
0.7 - yeast
70 l - water

Dish cooking

Beer is made of water, malt and hops. Pour the water of a certain temperature in a floured malt. The resulting mass must rise to a certain extent, so that the starch contained in the malt kernel separates into the sugar necessary for the yeast.

Once the brewer obtains the desired result, the mass should be poured into a filtration vessel containing sticks of black alder wood, straw, boiled and raw hops and a mesh at the bottom.

After a certain filtration time, a transparent sweet liquid is formed - a wort and the grounds. The grounds are used as a feed for animals, and the wort is boiled with hops.

Once the wort is cooked, cool it and drain into fermentation tank with the yeast. Fermentation, during which yeast assimilates sugar, forming a young beer, takes ~10 days. Then separate the yeast and pour the young beer into a container intended for the fermentation of the drink.

Fermentation of beer takes place in a cold room for about 3-4 weeks. During this time, the residues of yeast settle and the beer acquires the desired taste.

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This dish is made according to a certified National Heritage Product recipe showing its cooking process