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Lithuania minor region |

Lithuania minor region

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The dishes in Lithuania Minor are not really exclusive but very simple. People of this region did not know the fine dishes – all the dishes were very similar: leaf soup or sour peas, sometimes grucka (soup) or beetroot soup. It is said that the same meal was served on a table three times a day. The main food is unpeeled potatoes, beetroot, sauerkraut and sauces: with cannabis, cracklings. During the holidays, they ate not so bad and poorly; they made pap, Lithuanian sausage (skilandis), kosenybe, hodgepodge, which was made from white peas.

The bread was baked from rye and the pomele (pie) from wheat flour. The bread was baked every four weeks. They know how to cook meat very well. When they slaughtered sheep, pigs, geese, after slicing, meat was salted in a barrel, and pieces of the bacon flitch were hanged into the chimney for smoking. For the inhabitants of Lithuania Minor a herring put on a willow branch and baked in front of the fire was a delicacy. However, do not forget the sweet dishes – pap, rolls, waffles (vofeliai), and coffee (kafija).

Where to taste regional dishes?

Regional dishes